====== Install Syncthing ====== Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. It is an alternative to [[linux:install:btsync|BitTorrent Sync]] and doesn't have the "stigma" associated with the "BitTorrent" phrase. I use this program to keep files synchronized between systems. Like my BitTorrent Sync installs, I have one server sitting in the "cloud" that is always on so that my various systems can always have the latest copies of the files and I don't have to deal with port-forwarding on firewalls. This "cloud" server typically is a Linux VPS system... wget -nv -O - https://syncthing.net/release-key.txt | sudo apt-key add sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://apt.syncthing.net/ syncthing release" sudo apt update sudo apt install -y syncthing syncthing --version sudo mkdir -p /opt/syncthing sudo syncthing -home="/opt/syncthing" -generate="/opt/syncthing" sudo sed -i 's/true<\/upnpEnabled>/false<\/upnpEnabled>/g' /opt/syncthing/config.xml sudo useradd -M syncthing sudo chown -R syncthing:syncthing /opt/syncthing ===== Configure a startup script ===== cat > /tmp/syncthing.service << EOF [Unit] Description=Syncthing Server Documentation= Wants=network.target After=network.target [Service] User=syncthing Group=syncthing KillMode=process SuccessExitStatus=3 4 RestartForceExitStatus=3 4 WorkingDirectory=/opt/syncthing ExecStart=/usr/bin/syncthing -home="/opt/syncthing" -logfile="/var/log/syncthing.log" [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF sudo mv /tmp/syncthing.service /etc/systemd/system/ sudo chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/syncthing.service sudo systemctl enable syncthing.service sudo touch /var/log/syncthing.log sudo chown syncthing /var/log/syncthing.log cat > /tmp/syncthing << EOF /var/log/syncthing { rotate 4 weekly missingok notifempty compress delaycompress } EOF sudo mv /tmp/syncthing /etc/logrotate.d/ sudo chown root:root /etc/logrotate.d/syncthing ===== Start Syncthing Service ===== sudo service syncthing start