====== Software Development ====== ~~NOCACHE~~ * You need to use source control. * You need to automate the build. * You need to stop writing long methods. * You need to prevent code complexity. ====== Articles ====== Articles containing generalized information about software development: * [[:programming:six_step_problem_solve]] * [[:programming:seven_key_effective_development_teams]] * [[:programming:code_review]] * [[:programming:frameworks_libraries]] * [[:programming:mocks_vs_stubs]] * [[:programming:softwaretest]] * [[:programming:codesmell]] * [[:programming:collectionperfomance]] * [[:programming:softwaredebt]] * [[:programming:bad_developer_traits]] * [[:programming:architecture]] Articles containing specific implementations to accomplish tasks: * [[:programming:Reading embedded files at runtime]] * [[:programming:merge_net_assemblies]] * [[:programming:caspol_network_share]] * [[:programming:aspnet_issue_vm]] * [[:programming:aspmvc_session_timeout_issue]] * [[:programming:vs2011_proxy_issue]] * [[:programming:vs2011_proxy_auth]] * [[:programming:wpf_access_key]] * [[:programming:iisexpress_401]] \\ Articles about "my" development environment * [[:programming:stylecop_settings]] * [[:programming:codestyle]] * [[:programming:coderegions]] * [[:programming;data_proj_structure]] * [[:programming:before_methodology]] * [[:programming:methodology]] Articles about "Cloud" * [[:programming:cloud:]] Articles about SOA * [[:programming:soa:]] * [[:programming:soa:benefits]] Articles about DevOps * [[:devops:]] \\ ===== Source Configuration Management ===== * [[:programming:scm]] * [[:programming:bugzilla]] * [[:programming:ci]] ===== Data Layers Articles ===== \\ ===== Design Pattern C# Examples ===== * [[:programming:design:singleton]] ===== Code Communities ===== * [[http://codeproject.com|Code Project]] * [[http://www.c-sharpcorner.com|C# Corner]] \\ ---- See the [[:glossary|Glossary]] page for terms that I may/may not use on my site...