====== Merging .Net Assemblies into a .DLL/.EXE with ILMerge ====== Sometimes when I am working on project that have third-party libraries, I want to combine the assembly to ease deployment and to make sure all dependent libraries are available with my application or library. Sometimes I just want to deploy a single file via xcopy. Luckily, ILMerge allows me to merge multiple .NET assesemblies into a single DLL or EXE. ==== Merging into a DLL ==== ilmerge.exe /target:library /out:bothassemblies.dll assembly1.dll assembly2.dll ==== Merging into an EXE ==== ilmerge.exe /target:winexe /out:bothassemblies.exe assembly1.exe assembly2.dll ====== ====== Download [[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=22914587-b4ad-4eae-87cf-b14ae6a939b0&displaylang=en|ILMerge]].