====== Software Debt ====== I hear a lot of discussion about //"Technical Debt"// on the Internet. I recently ran across a blog((Bird, J. (2011, January 27). There's more to Managing Software Debt. Retrieved November 8, 2011, from http://swreflections.blogspot.com/2011/01/theres-more-to-managing-software-debt.html)) that talked about broadening the scope to include other forms of software debt. I believe that the other areas of software debt are just as important as technical debt. * **Technical Debt:** taking short cuts, folding under pressure, deferring work, duplication – the copy-and-paste problem. * **Quality Debt:** not enough attention to quality, not enough tests, not taking responsibility for fixing bugs. * **Configuration Management Debt:** mistakes and inefficient practices in version management, build, deployment and release practices. * **Design Debt:** under-designing and over-designing – expect to get the design right the third time. * **Platform Experience Debt:** not sharing information, over-specialization