BSD Top-Off

FreeBSD uses CSH for its shell so to configure the shell, open the ~/.cshrc file in an editor and add the following to the end of the file:

alias dir       'ls -lah'
alias ll        'ls -lh'
alias cls       'clear'
alias df        'df -h'
alias du        'du -h'
alias grep      'grep --color'
alias cd..      'cd ..'
alias ..        'cd ..'
alias ...       'cd ../..'
alias ....      'cd ../../..'
alias sha1      'openssl sha1'
alias mount     'mount | column -t'
alias now       'date +"%T"'
set prompt='%{\033[1;33m%}%n%{\033[1;37m%}@%{\033[1;32m%}%m%{\033[1;37m%}:%{\033[1;31m%}%~\n%{\033[1;36m%}$%{\033[0m%} '