Dokuwiki Install and Upgrade

DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source Wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plug-ins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki.

Directory Structure

The Dokuwiki installation is stored in a dedicated directory typically under the /opt directory.

 +-- dokuwiki
     +-- current -> dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn
     +-- data
     +-- dokuwiki-pppp-pp-pp
     +-- dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn
     +-- template     


Before installing dokuwiki, you'll need a web server and the PHP application engine to serve the application.

Configure The Web Server

Once you have a NGINX and PHP installed, you'll need to configure it to serve the application:

cat > /tmp/dokuwiki << EOF
server {
  root /opt/dokuwiki/current;
  access_log off;
  error_page 404 /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/404.html;
  location /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/404.html {
  location / { 
    index doku.php;
    try_files \$uri \$uri/ @dokuwiki;
  location @dokuwiki {
    rewrite ^/_media/(.*) /lib/exe/fetch.php?media=\$1 last;
    rewrite ^/_detail/(.*) /lib/exe/detail.php?media=\$1 last;
    rewrite ^/_export/([^/]+)/(.*) /doku.php?do=export_\$1&id=\$2 last;
    rewrite ^/(.*) /doku.php?id=\$1&\$args last;
  location ^~ /(bin|conf|data|inc/ { deny all; }
  location  ~ /\.ht  { deny all; }
  location ~ \.php\$ {
    include fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock
    fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME \$document_root\$fastcgi_script_name;
    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO \$uri;  # necessary for URL rewrite
    fastcgi_index doku.php;
sudo mv /tmp/dokuwiki /etc/nginx/sites-available/
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dokuwiki /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dokuwiki
sudo service nginx reload

Install The Software

sudo apt-get install php-xml
cd /tmp
tar xzvf dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn.tgz
sudo mkdir -p /opt/dokuwiki
sudo mv dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn /opt/dokuwiki/
rm /tmp/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn.tgz
sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn /opt/dokuwiki/current
sudo mv /opt/dokuwiki/current/data /opt/dokuwiki/data
sudo mv /opt/dokuwiki/current/lib/tpl/dokuwiki /opt/dokuwiki/template
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn
sudo chmod -R u-w,g-w,o-w /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/dokuwiki/data
sudo chmod -R u+rw,g+rw /opt/dokuwiki/data
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/dokuwiki/template
sudo chmod -R u-w,g-w,o-w /opt/dokuwiki/template
sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/template /opt/dokuwiki/current/lib/tpl/dokuwiki

After the core software is installed, remove and add the plug-ins using the instruction below.

Complete Dokuwiki Configuration Using Dokuwiki's Editor

When setting up a wiki server that will use the built-in editing, I run through Dokuwiki's installer. You'll need to give the web server user write access long enough to complete the configuration:

sudo chmod -R u+w /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf
sudo chmod -R u+w /opt/dokuwiki/data
sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/data /opt/dokuwiki/current/data

Open web browser to install Dokuwiki. http://url.domain.tld/install.php Complete the intial configuration, then restrict the write access of the web server:

sudo chmod -R u-w /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf
sudo /bin/rm /opt/dokuwiki/current/data

Complete Dokuwiki Configuration Using External Editor

When setting up a wiki server that will use a separate system to edit/maintain the pages and then have the resulting text files copied over, I configure the server to have a locked down configuration:

cat > /tmp/acl.auth.php << EOF
# acl.auth.php
# <?php exit()?>
# Don't modify the lines above
*               @ALL          1
*               @user         8
sudo mv /tmp/acl.auth.php /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/acl.auth.php
cat > /tmp/users.auth.php << EOF
# users.auth.php
# <?php exit()?>
# Don't modify the lines above
sudo mv /tmp/users.auth.php /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/users.auth.php
cat > /tmp/local.php << EOF
\$conf['savedir'] = '/opt/dokuwiki/data';
\$conf['breadcrumbs'] = 0;
\$conf['youarehere'] = 1;
\$conf['sneaky_index'] = 1;
\$conf['useheading'] = '1';
\$conf['disableactions'] = 'backlink,index,recent,revisions,search,register'
                        . ',resendpwd,profile,check,subscribens,unsubscribens'
                        . ',subscribe,unsubscribe,diff,media';
\$conf['userewrite'] = '1';
\$conf['useslash'] = 1;
\$conf['plugin']['blog']['formposition'] = 'none';
\$conf['plugin']['include']['showeditbtn'] = 0;
\$conf['updatecheck'] = 0;
\$conf['send404'] = 1;
\$conf['license'] = '';
\$conf['maxtoclevel'] = 0;
\$conf['maxseclevel'] = 0;
\$conf['superuser'] = '@admin';
\$conf['rss_linkto'] = 'current';
\$conf['sitemap'] = 1;
\$conf['useacl'] = 1;
sudo mv /tmp/local.php /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/local.php
sudo touch /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/plugins.local.php

At this point, you should have a running configured Dokuwiki site ready for content to be added.


These are the steps I used to upgrade the installation in case I decide to do it again…

pppp-pp-pp → previous
nnnn-nn-nn → next

Install The Software

cd /tmp
tar xzvf dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn.tgz
sudo mv dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn /opt/dokuwiki/
rm /tmp/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn.tgz
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn/
sudo chmod -R u-w,g-w,o-w /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn/

After the core software is installed, remove and add the plug-ins using the instruction below.

sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade

Copy Configuration

sudo /bin/rm -R /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/data
sudo /bin/rm -R /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/lib/tpl/dokuwiki
sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/template /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/lib/tpl/dokuwiki
sudo /bin/cp /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/acl.auth.php /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/conf/
sudo /bin/cp /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/users.auth.php /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/conf/
sudo /bin/cp /opt/dokuwiki/current/conf/local.php /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/conf/
sudo touch /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade/conf/plugins.local.php
sudo /bin/rm /opt/dokuwiki/current
sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn /opt/dokuwiki/current
sudo /bin/rm /opt/dokuwiki/upgrade

After the applications runs for a while (depending on how active the installation is), execute:

sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-pppp-pp-pp


sudo ln -s /opt/dokuwiki/dokuwiki-nnnn-nn-nn /opt/dokuwiki/new

Remove These Plug-Ins

sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/authad
sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/authldap
sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/authmysql
sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/authpgsql
sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/popularity
sudo /bin/rm -Rf /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/plugin

Install These Plug-Ins

  1. Install wrap Plugin
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/wrap
    sudo cp -R /tmp/dokuwiki_plugin_wrap-master/* /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/wrap/
    rm -R /tmp/dokuwiki_plugin_wrap-master
  2. Install nspages Plugin
    tar zxvf master
    sudo mkdir /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/nspages
    sudo cp -R /tmp/gturri-nspages-*/* /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/nspages
    rm -R /tmp/gturri-nspages-*
    rm master
  3. Install columns Plugin
    unzip master
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/columns
    sudo cp -R /tmp/dwp-forge-columns-*/* /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/columns/
    rm -R /tmp/dwp-forge-columns-*
    rm master
  4. Install gallery Plugin
    unzip master
    sudo mkdir -p /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/gallery
    sudo cp -R /tmp/splitbrain-dokuwiki-plugin-gallery-*/* /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins/gallery/
    rm -R /tmp/splitbrain-dokuwiki-plugin-gallery-*
    rm master

Update Permissions for the Plug-In Directory

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins
sudo chmod -R u-w,g-w,o-w /opt/dokuwiki/new/lib/plugins
sudo /bin/rm /opt/dokuwiki/new