Search Local Contact List Before the Global Address List

In my experience, my local contact list is more likely to have the correct address than the global address list. By default, Outlook searches through the global address list first before searching the local contact lists. Therefore, it typically matches the name I'm typing to the wrong contact or email address.

Here’s how to configure Outlook to search the local contacts first.

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Click the Tools menu
  3. Select Address Book. The address book window will open.
  4. Select the Tools menu in that window.
  5. Select Options.
  6. Select Contacts in the “Show this address list first” drop-down list.
  7. Select Contacts in the lower box, and
  8. Use the arrow keys to move Contacts to the top of the list.
  9. You can also reorder other contact list if you have them…
  10. Finally, Click Ok and close the Address Book windows.

Now, You’ll never email Ms. Wifet instead of your wife again!