There is a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped my mind...
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From time to time, I work on “public” projects that I've posted on various public source control sites. I also maintain a CI Server for these projects.


Projects in an active status are being developed, and expanded to bring new features. Releases will be common.

  • ToolKit - A library of reusable classes and abstractions to make writing code easier.
  • SuggestionBox - An anonymous electronic suggestion box to allow comments/suggestions/Q&A posts that can responded to and liked.
  • SiegeApi - A .Net Core Web API to wrap the command line use of the Siege load-testing software.
  • HealthCheck - A framework which is capable of executing a defined set of task via a plug-in composition model and provide specific response based on the status.
  • choco-packages - A collection of Chocolatey NuGet packages.
  • scripts-powershell - My PowerShell profile scripts and custom modules
  • scripts-binaries - Scripts and aliases for system and user tasks.


Projects in an inactive status are no longer supported or developed.

  • None currently
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