There is a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped my mind...
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Install Elastic Search

First, make sure that all of the latest patches are installed.

sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo reboot

Configure Firewall:

sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow 9200/tcp
sudo ufw allow 9300/tcp
sudo ufw enable

Install Install Java

Add the Elastic Search Key and Software:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
cat > /tmp/elastic-$VERSION.x.list << EOF
deb$VERSION.x/apt stable main
sudo mv /tmp/elastic-$VERSION.x.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y elasticsearch=$VERSION.\*
# If some software requires a specific version of elasticsearch, hold the package from upgrades:
sudo apt-mark hold elasticsearch

Configure the ElasticSearch configuration:

sudo sed -i "s/ my-application/ $CLUSTERNAME/g"  /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
sudo sed -i "s/ node-1/ $CLUSTERNAME-1/g"  /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
sudo sed -i "s/ [_eth0_, _local_]/g"  /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
sudo sed -i "s/#cluster.initial_master_nodes: \[\"node-1\", \"node-2\"\]/cluster.initial_master_nodes: \[\"$CLUSTERNAME-1\"\]/g"  /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Start ElasticSearch Server, configure it to automatically start and validate the service is running:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
curl http://localhost:9200

Elasticsearch Data Role

If you are creating an Elasticsearch cluster using client, master, and data roles or a single Elasticsearch server which includes all of these roles, you should execute the below on servers that have the data role as ElasticSearch uses a lot of memory-mapped files for indexing so we need to increase the limits allowed by the OS and the JVM:

head -n -1 /etc/security/limits.conf > /tmp/limits.conf
cat >> /tmp/limits.conf << EOF
*       soft    nofile  64000
*       hard    nofile  64000
root    soft    nofile  64000
root    hard    nofile  64000
# End of file
sudo cp /tmp/limits.conf /etc/security/limits.conf
cat /etc/pam.d/common-session > /tmp/common-session
cat >> /tmp/common-session << EOF
session     required
sudo cp /tmp/common-session /etc/pam.d/common-session
cat /etc/pam.d/common-session-interactive > /tmp/common-session-interactive
cat >> /tmp/common-session-interactive << EOF
session     required
sudo cp /tmp/common-session-interactive /etc/pam.d/common-session-interactive
# Give Elasticsearch half of the memory of the server
awk '{ printf "%.2f", $2/1024/1024 ; exit}' /proc/meminfo
sudo sed -i "s/-Xms1g/-Xms`awk '( $1 == "MemTotal:" ) { printf "%.0f", ($2/1024/1024)/2 ; exit }' /proc/meminfo`g/g"  /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
sudo sed -i "s/-Xmx1g/-Xmx`awk '( $1 == "MemTotal:" ) { printf "%.0f", ($2/1024/1024)/2 ; exit }' /proc/meminfo`g/g"  /etc/elasticsearch/jvm.options
sudo swapoff -a
cat > /tmp/elasticsearch.conf << EOF
sudo mkdir /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d
sudo cp /tmp/elasticsearch.conf /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/elasticsearch.conf
sudo reboot

Last Updated: April 15, 2020

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