Code Smell
A code smell is a hint that something might be wrong somewhere in your code. I have seen various versions on the Internet listing what code is considered code smell. I agree with some, don't agree with others. Here is what I consider to be code smell:
Duplicate Code
Long Method (any method longer than 30 lines)
Large Class (> 1000 lines of “code, comments, and blank lines” when properly formatted)
Parameter List with more than 5 parameters
Methods that do not contain a verb
Properties that do contain a verb
Same Name, Different Meaning
Excessive Overloading
Classes that do not do just one thing
Too many comments. The code itself should explain what it is doing. Comments should explain business rules or why a particular algorithm was used.
Long Class, Method, or Property names
Temporary Fields
Too many conditionals
“Magic” Numbers
More than one type (class, interface, enum, etc.) per file.