There is a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped my mind...
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Can't create Cluster Aware Updating Object

Recently I came across an issue when trying to enable the Cluster Aware Updating functionality in a Windows Server fail-over cluster. It was failing with the following error message:

“Unable to create the CAU clustered role because a Network Name resource could not be created. This can occur if a computer account (virtual computer object) for the role could not be created in the domain. Check the event log for more information. If the cluster name account does not have permissions to create the object, you can pre-stage a computer account in Active Directory. Then, use the Add-CauClusterRole Windows PowerShell cmdlet with the VirtualComputerObjectName parameter to create the CAU clustered role. For more information about pre-staging computer accounts, see”

To resolve this, I opened up Active Directory Users and Computers, clicked on View and selected Advanced Features. I then navigated to the OU where the cluster object was and right-clicked on the folder and choose properties. I then right-clicked the OU and choose properties, going to the Security tab. I clicked on Advanced. There I selected the cluster computer object and choose Edit. I clicked the “Create Computer objects” check box. Hitting Apply and then Ok. I went back to my cluster and tried enabling CAU again. This time it completed with no issues.

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