I recently replaced my 120GB SSD with a 500GB SSD and decided to restore my last full backup from my Server Essentials Server instead of installing the OS from scratch. Unfortunately, I kept getting a disk that would not boot after the restore completed. After some research, I found that I need to set-up and define the EFI and MSR partitions on the new uninitialized disk in order for Server Essentials to detect that it needed to restore the boot information. These are the commands that I needed to execute:
select disk 0 clean convert gpt create partition primary size=300 format quick fs=ntfs set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac" gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001 create partition efi size=100 format quick fs=fat32 create partition msr size=128 create partition primary format quick fs=ntfs list volume exit
However, After the restore was complete, I'd get a 0xC0000225 error telling me that I need to “repair” my system. That was easy enough to fix using the following steps:
select disk 0 select volume 2 (the C: drive) assign driveletter=c: exit
bootrec /rebuildbcd bootrec /fixmbr