There is a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped my mind...
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Install Octopus Deploy Server

  1. Create a Managed Service Accounts for the Octopus service to use…
  2. On the SQL 2016 Server, create a database named OctopusDeploy and add to the availability group.
  3. Make sure to give the managed service account and the account installing Octopus permission to this database.
  4. Download the Server installer from and run the installer.
  5. The installer will open the setup wizard, click Next.
  6. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
  7. Select C:\Octopus for the Home directory and then Click “Next”.
  8. Click Install to start the install.
  9. Click Finish…
  10. Octopus Manager will launch, Click on “Get started…“
  11. Either start a free trial or enter you existing license key, then click “Next”
  12. Select C:\Octopus for the Home Directory, then click “Next”
  13. Select “Use Local System Account” and click “Next”
  14. Enter the information for the SQL 2016 instances for the Octopus Database, then click “Next”
  15. For Web Portal, accept defaults and click “Next”.
  16. For Authentication, select “Active Directory”, then click “Next”
  17. Click the “Install”
  18. After the installation has finished, click “Finish”.
  19. At this point, the service is stopped and we need to open the Windows Service Control Panel to add the service account created above.
  20. We also need to give the service account permissions to the directory and the bindings:
    $account= New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule( `
        "CONTOSO\svc-octopus$", `
        "FullControl", `
        "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", `
        "None", `
    $acl = Get-Acl "C:\Octopus"
    Set-Acl "C:\Octopus" -AclObject $acl
    netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:80/ user=CONTOSO\svc-octopus$
    netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:443/ user=CONTOSO\svc-octopus$
  21. Before starting the service, go back to the Octopus Manager and click “Change Bindings”, then click “Add” in the web bindings wizard.
  22. For host, type and then click “OK”
    • If you have an SSL certificate, change the scheme to https
  23. Click “Next” then “Apply” to enable changes.
  24. See Continuous Delivery for information on configuring the server.
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